The MITIT was visited by a delegation of the North Atlantic Alliance within the framework of the «NATO Days»

Added: 27.10.2017 Revised: 3666

On October 24th , the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies was visited by a delegation of the North Atlantic Alliance led by Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Partnerships of NATO Strategic Commands Major General Oddo Pedersen and the Military Representative of the Mission of Ukraine to NATO, Lieutenant General Volodymyr Askarov.

The visit took place within the framework of the “NATO Days” in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The foreign guests informed the cadets and scientific and pedagogical representatives of the Institute about the military structure and tasks of NATO, understanding of the processes and state of military cooperation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with this organization, Alliance initiatives involving the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and improving training programs on this issue.

— NATO Days undoubtedly contribute to strengthening the positive image of our state in the international arena and the development of partnership relations, in particular in the field of stability and security, - noted the Head of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies, Colonel Yevhen Stepanenko.

The foreign officers got acquainted with the training facilities of the Military Institute as a leading military establishment of higher education for the training of military specialists in the priority areas of information protection and cyber security in information and telecommunication systems.

In addition, the delegates of the North Atlantic Alliance were presented with detailed models of command points using modern means of communication and information technologies, that are currently used during combat operations in the Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone.

At the Department of Computer Information Technologies of the Military Institute, the guests of honor inspected the specialized computer classes of the information struggle software of the training and situational cybernetic center.

— In March of the current year, London hosted a competition of programming specialists among NATO partner countries called "NATO Enterprise Architecture Hackathon". Cadets and graduates of the department have been demonstrating the best results during the competition and have taken first places among the relevant areas, - informed the Head of the military establishment of higher education, Colonel Yevhen Stepanenko.

According to the “NATO Days” plan, activities at the Military Institute continued in working groups, where guests held discussions with officers and cadets of the establishment of higher education on the bloc's policy towards partner countries, NATO's experience in conducting tactical operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Alliance's actions to combat terrorism, support and organization of the educational process of the educational institution.

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