Working conference on the development of the cyber security system of Ukraine

Added: 26.03.2018 Revised: 3352

On March 26, 2018, a working conference on the development of the cyber security system of Ukraine was held at the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty.

The conference was attended by the Special Representative of the Ministry of Defense of Estonia for defence technology and innovation in Ukraine General Valeri Saar and cyber security specialists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, namely: representatives of the Main Communications and Information Systems Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the representatives of the Institute, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Information Protection and Cyber Security of the Faculty of the Combat Use of Control and Communications Systems.

The purpose of the working conference was to discuss issues related to the construction, organization and provision of cyber protection of critical infrastructure of the state.

Colonel O.Silko, Deputy Commandant of the Institute for Studies, told the Estonian representatives about the Institute and training of military specialists in cybersecurity.

During the conference, the main points of concern of the development of the cyber defense system in Ukraine and the possibility of further application of the experience of Defense Forces of the Republic of Estonia and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence were considered and discussed.

The main directions of further development and improvement of the cyber defense system and training of military cyber defense specialists on the basis of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after the Heroes of Kruty were identified.

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