NATO instructors started «The Сourse on Organization of NATO Сommunication and Information Systems»

Added: 09.12.2019 Revised: 3412

Today, «The Сourse on Organization of NATO Сommunication and Information Systems» started for representatives of the Signal Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty.

Within four days, attendees will be gaining knowledge on the creation of a service-oriented architecture by NATO countries, ways to unify communication equipment in order to connect their information and telecommunications networks with NATO ones.

During the lectures, attendees will be learning about NATO communication and information systems, equipment, cybersecurity, planning and standardization processes of the support service.

ArmyINFORM - News Agency of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine: NATO instructors have started a course of lectures for Ukrainian military signalmen: Інструктори НАТО розпочали курс лекцій для українських військових зв’язківців

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