Representatives of MITIT participated in the "Maritime Security in the Black Sea Region" Conference in Varna (Bulgaria)

Added: 10.11.2023 Revised: 2861

The delegation of the Kruty Heroes Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology lead by the Head of the Institute Major General Viktor Ostapchuk participated in the "Maritime Security in the Black Sea Region" Conference in Varna (Bulgaria). The "Maritime Security in the Black Sea Region" Conference brought together academic and scientific experts, representatives of сentral and local authorities, state and non-state bodies, companies, national and international non-governmental organizations in the field of navigation, transport and maritime affairs.

The purpose of the Conference was to discuss and analyze current challenges and opportunities for military-political, economic and socio-economic development in the wider Black Sea Region.

The forum was organized by the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy. The event was opened by the Rear Admiral, Doctor of Military Sciences and Professor Boyan Mednikarov — Commandant-Rector of the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy. Reports were made by the Deputy Minister of Defenсe of Bulgaria, the Commander of the Bulgarian Navy and other senior officers of Bulgaria, Poland and Ukraine. The representatives of the Military Institute took an active part in the event, engaging as speakers.

The participation of representatives of the Kruty Heroes Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology in this forum determined the active role of representatives of Ukraine in joint work with European Partners.

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