Final chord: on the eve of graduation, masters of Cybersecurity specialty took part in the Kyiv International Forum on Cybersecurity - 2024

Added: 13.02.2024 Revised: 1951

Recently, the Military Institute held a master's graduation.

On the eve of graduation, the best students of the master's program, as the final chord of their studies, took part in the Kyiv International Cybersecurity Forum 2024 "RESILIENCE IN THE CYBERWAR". During the event, a CTF competition was held.

Among the 21 participating teams from various organizations of both civilian and law enforcement sectors, the master's team, led by Associate Professor Ivan Lavryk, took an honorable 4th place.

During their studies, the students participated in international cybersecurity competitions, namely Defence Cyber Marvel 2, CIWIX, in addition, the students participated in trainings and competitions of the department, organized and conducted on the Cybexer platform of the institute. All of this qualitatively improved the abilities and capabilities of officers who were assigned to cyber incident response teams of units and units of the Ukrainian defense sector.

As part of the master's program, the students also successfully completed the Vulnerability Detection Program course, which was introduced into the educational process for the first time under a memorandum of cooperation with the NSDC and CRDF Clobal.

We sincerely congratulate our cyber specialists on their victory and graduation from the master's program! We wish you success in your future service!

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