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I International Scientific and Technical Conference

Добавлено: 24.11.2021 Переглянуто: 5022


We invite you to take part in the First International Scientific and Technical Conference “Communication, informatization and cybersecurity systems and technologies:current issues and development trends”, which will be held on November 25-26, 2021 at the Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty.


Analysis of the state and exchange of experience on communication systems and technologies, information technologies and cybersecurity, taking into account the experience of use in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


November 25, 2021

09.00 – 09.30

Registration of participants

09.00 – 09.30


Information for joining a meeting on the Google Meet platform.

Link to a video call: https://meet.google.com/yvr-ktpv-mwk

MODERATOR: Yevhen Neroznak Тel.: 0992208740

09.30 – 09.40

Welcome speech of the Head of the Institute

Viktor OSTAPCHUK, Head of the the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty

09.40 – 09.55

Cybersecurity as a key element of the concept „Smart city”

Yurii KHLAPONIN Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of cybersecurity and computer engineering of the Kyiv National University of construction and architecture

09.55 – 10.10

OSINT autonomous smart systems

Elina SHNURKO_TABAKOVA Сhairman of the board of the public organization "Council of information security and cyber defense", Dmytro LANDE Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of specialized modeling tools of the Institute of information registration problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

09.55 – 10.10

One-stop data infrastructure: building smart cities in developing countries

Yashar NASIBOV, Armed Forces War College of the Azerbaijan Republic

10.25 – 10.40

Coffee break

10.40 – 10.55

Problems of ensuring cybersecurity in the military sphere

Vladyslav CHEVARDIN Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Cybersecurity Department of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty

10.55 – 11.10

Modern approaches to building a management systems of information and telecommunications military networks

Eduard BOVDA Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Computer Information Technologies of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty

11.10 – 11.25

State and problems of implementing standardized post-quantum cryptographic transformations at the national and international levels

Ivan HORBENKO Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Security of Information Systems and Technologies of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

11.25 – 11.40

A conceptual approach to using blockchain technology to protect the FANET network from unauthorized access

Ihor PANCHENKO Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of special information systems and robotic complexes of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty

11.40 – 11.55

Coffee break

11.55 – 12.10

Directions of development of infocommunication technologies of military communication systems

Anatolii TATARINOV Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of telecommunications systems and networks of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty

12.10 – 12.25

Methodology for managing wireless sensor networks for military purposes

Oleksandr ZHUK Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Information Protection in telecommunications systems and networks of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty

12.25 – 12.40

Evaluation of the possibility of changing the design of installation and configuration of satellite communication antennas

Vasyl KUZAVKOV Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of building telecommunications systems of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty

12.40 – 13.00

Summing up the results of the plenary session

13.00 – 14.00

Lunch break

14.00 – 16.30

BREAK-OUT SESSIONS (virtual meetings)

Section № 1 Information security and cyber defense technologies.

Information for joining a meeting on the Google Meet platform.

Link to a video call: https://meet.google.com/fws-szkv-iqi

SECTION HEAD: Vladyslav Chevardin

MODERATOR: ІIvan Lavryk Тel.: 0971784535

V. Chevardin, O. Marchuk, V. Savchuk, O.M. Karpyshynets Development of the software agent «Data leakage detection»

L. Kovalchuk Using general side-chain approach for building a state register

N. Kuchynska Investigation of the effectiveness of methods for adding points of an elliptic curve in the Edwards form

O. Telizhenko Optimal search methods

І. Lavryk, V. Chevardin The danger of the Shor algorithm for asymmetric cryptosystems

Y. Ostrovska, S. Kandii Generating system-wide parameters for the rainbow electronic signature scheme

Y. Derevianko, I. Horbenko, O. Kuznetsov Particle swarm method for generating nonlinear substitutions

D. Harmash, H. Malieieva The ability of the Rainbow algorithm to counteract various cryptanalysis methods and attacks by third-party channels

V. Podhaiko, S. Rassomakhin Analysis of identification algorithms in electronic trust service systems

Y. Kaptol Analysis of quantum methods for cryptanalysis of rainbow post-quantum electronic signature

D. Fomkin Modern SOC problems. Why is SIEM not enough?

S. Yakovlev, O. Kyrinnyi Equivalent forms of the problem of solving a system of linear prohibitions over a finite field

V. Bakanov, P. Khusainov Training of the event processing system classifier for rapid response to cyber attacks (cyber incidents)

P. Khusainov Heuristic extension of algorithmic pattern recognition procedures in cyber incident identification problems

I. Samoilov, M. Konotopets Assessment of the security of information systems using artificial intelligence components

V. Martyniuk, N. Palamarchuk, T. Bondarenko Analysis of the use of electronic warfare in modern operations

M. Zinchenko, R. Lazuta, A. Borodavka, S. Beznosenko Development of approaches of the world's leading countries to confrontation in cyberspace

Section № 2 Artificial intelligence in Information Systems and robotic special purpose complexes.

Information for joining a meeting on the Google Meet platform.

Link to a video call: https://meet.google.com/apa-tmgf-kfu

SECTION HEAD: Ihor Panchenko

MODERATOR: Dmytro Koltovskov Тel.: 0963392905

O. Makarenko , D. Petrova Prospects for using blockchain technology in the field of defense

І. Panchenko, L. Slotvinska 3D modeling for performing operational tasks

V. V. Chmil, V. М. Chmil, І. Sunduchkov Methods, structure and practical implementation of control channels for receiving telemetry information from artificial spacecraft for solar system research

V. Sivak, K. Yatsenko Prospects using the perspective of modern information technologies for diagnosing the technical condition of military vehicles

Y. Zhykov, V. Vakulenko, М. Diedov, О. Ratanina, R. Korchomnyi, H. Hrinkova Application of artificial neural networks in cyber defense systems

Орлов V. Passive sound tracking systems for unmanned aerial vehicles

І. Panchenko, O. Voskolovych, А. Bernatskyi Classification of objects by the technical vision system in bans using convolutional neural networks

О. Tsaturian Trends in the use of telecommunications equipment in the combat equipment complexes of the Armed Forces of leading NATO Member States

L. Korotchenko The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Defense Forces

О. Cherednychenko Analysis of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh

Section № 3 Prospects for the development of telecommunications systems and networks.

Information for joining a meeting on the Google Meet platform.

Link to a video call: https://meet.google.com/scu-oejx-uxs

SECTION HEAD: Pavlo Hurzhii

MODERATOR: Serhii Pantas Тel.: 0969823374

І. Kalashnikov Development of L3HARRIS Technologies

А. Tatarinov Use of resources of the State National Telecommunications Network (NTM) for command the Armed Forces of Ukraine

V. Dumitrash Development of tropospheric radio communications in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

І. Pantas Selection of criteria for assessing survivability

Y. Tsimura Improvement of radio communication systems with PTOF by adaptive changes in their parameters

S. Boholii Analytical model of interaction between the radio communication line and producer of intentional interference

M. Fomin Improved method for two-way assessment of structural reliability of structurally complex systems

V. Kokoshynskyi Analysis of the current state and trends in the development of software-configured telecommunications systems and networks

Section № 4 Information technologies.

Information for joining a meeting on the Google Meet platform.

Link to a video call: https://meet.google.com/auo-ihwi-edh


MODERATOR: Yevhen Neroznak Тel.: 0992208740

М. Andrusenko, V. Hrechaninov, А. Lopushanskyi Application of a statistical dictionary for information exchange between components of Information Systems in a special period

Y. Boiko IT infrastructure of the University

О. Zhuk Methodology for managing heterogeneous wireless sensor networks for military purposes

І. Tkachenko Use of the catastrophe theory to assess the state of cybersecurity of critical information infrastructure objects

Y. Neroznak, D. Merkotan, О. Sova Methods and algorithms for Load Balancing in cluster systems based on artificial intelligence elements

16.40 – 17.00

Decision-making and closing of the conference

November 26, 2021

09.00 – 11.45

Speeches of adjuncts and cadets at plenary sessions

First International Scientific and Technical Conference "Communication Systems and Technologies, Informatization and Cyber Security: Current Issues and Development Trends" (7,34 MB): Download

Tel.: (044)256-22-73 Е-mail: [email protected]

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