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MITIT cadets took part in the International Cadet Week at the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy of the Republic of Bulgaria

Добавлено: 24.05.2024 Переглянуто: 279

Dmytro and Anton, cadets of the Kruty Heroes Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology, took part in the International Cadet Week held by the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Varna, Bulgaria).

The purpose of participation in the International Cadets' Week of the Naval Academy of the Republic of Bulgaria was to support and develop military cooperation with NATO member states within the framework of the Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP) and to strengthen friendly relations with the Republic of Bulgaria. Representatives of three military universities in Ukraine, as well as cadets from Azerbaijan, Greece, the Netherlands, Romania, Poland and North Macedonia took part in the cadet week.

During the events of the International Cadet Week, the MITIT servicemen took part in the presentation of military universities, where they adequately presented the Military Institute; discussions on military education; sports relay and airsoft competitions; cadet self-government day, as well as the Grand Cadet Ball.

- It was a great honor for me to take part in the International Cadet Week. I was most impressed by the stories of the academy's cadets about their practice on ships, expeditions to Antarctica, etc. Such events are a unique opportunity to exchange experience," said Anton, a cadet of the Faculty of Combat Application of Control and Communication Systems.

It is worth noting that while participating in the sports relay, the MITIT cadets were among the best, and their skills in assembling and disassembling weapons impressed their foreign colleagues.

- "The experience of participating in this event showed that we should always look to the future and not lead to stagnation in any form, material, scientific or in combat training, we should always move forward and introduce new approaches in military education," says Dmytro, a cadet of the Faculty of Information Technology.

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